
In 1974, a small group of Jewish residents, from and around Boone, met and formed a congregation that was named the Boone Jewish Community. For many years, they held Friday night services in the homes of members and in meeting places at Appalachian State University.

Then, for many years, they were welcomed by the Unitarian Fellowship on Kings Street in Downtown Boone. Several years ago, the congregation moved to the welcoming St. Lukes Episcopal Church off Council Street in Downtown Boone.

For fourteen years, due to the large number of people attending the High Holiday Services on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we held these services in yet another denominational welcoming space at St. Elizabeth of the High Country Catholic Church in Boone. Although we are deeply appreciative of the facilities offered us by our Christian neighbors, it was now time to have a place of our own.

With the announcement in September 2008, that the generous donation of one million dollars from the Schaefer Foundation would allow us to start fundraising for a building of our own, it was decided, with a majority of congregational votes, to rename the Boone Jewish Community, the Temple of the High Country. The building would also become the home of the Schaefer Jewish Community Center in gratitude for the donation and fundraising efforts of Bonnie and Jamie Schaefer.